Otolaryngology pronounced oh-toe-lair-in-goll-oh-jee is the oldest
medical specialty in the United States. Otolaryngologists are physicians
trained in the branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and
treatment of the ear, nose, and throat,disorders as well as head and neck
disorders. A commonly used term for this specialty is ENT ear, nose, and
throat, although the specialty’s officially recognized name is
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Their special skills include
diagnosing and managing diseases of the sinuses, larynx voice box, oral
cavity, and upper pharynx mouth and throat. The physicians in this
office treat many conditions including ear infections, tonsil and
adenoid problems, airway problems, as well as more complicated medical
issues, such as head and neck cancers, including tumors of the salivary
glands and thyroid. Our physicians also treat patients with skin cancers
of the head and neck region.
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